Sunday, October 3, 2010

The name

It seems that the requisite first post of a blog is to explain the name.  I considered many that would describe the sometimes banal moments of raising children and the ofttimes minor events that provide fascinating insights into children, life, our interactions and milestones as a growing family.  The rejected names were many:  “drops of joy” sounded like I was trying too hard, “mountain musings” was taken, as was “snippets of life.”  So I called my sister, an unwavering source of creative inspiration and she asked me how I think of our family.  “Like the Jetsons,” I offered.  Maybe because I’m married to a do-it-yourself, computer chip engineer it felt like we were flying through the future.  But when I actually watched the youtube clip of the Jetsons, their superficial life didn’t fit ours at all.  We were more the Flintstones, but with boys and not a little girl.  Hmmm…still not a fit.  

So I went to a topic that we talk about daily in our house – machines.  Or ‘chines as they are called here.  Specifically, construction vehicles.  Our oldest child is three and he is fascinated with them.  I’m not sure this is unique to our boy; watching youtube, you can see many young children able to tell you the difference between an excavator (it has tracks), a backhoe (has a shovel in front and back and has stabilizers), and a front loader (only has a shovel in front).  However, we adults don’t seem to have this vast library of diggers categorized in our brains and ready for daily discussion.  My husband and I are constantly corrected, “No, it’s a digger.”  And therefore, out of the corner of my brain now dedicated to knowing the full fleet of road construction vehicles, came the title, “A crane and two diggers.“

The name fits quite well actually.  I am the crane, Blake (3) and Gavin (1) are the two diggers.  We’ll call my husband, Sebastian, the foreman of this little construction crew.   We look forward to sharing moments of our life with you and hopefully providing you with some entertainment, youthful insights, and at times even an idea or two to ponder.  Ali

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